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Coombe Dental Care, 120 Coombe Road, Salisbury, SP2 8BD


What are Dental X-Rays & Why Do You Need Them?

October 08, 2021

One of the many services we offer here at Coombe Dental Care is providing digital X-ray scans for our patients. It’s also the service we receive many questions about, which is why we wanted to talk to you about this. In this article, we’ll look at what X-rays do, exactly, and why you might need them, depending on your dental condition.


What are dental X-rays? What types of X-rays are there?

Dental X-rays are basically a picture of the inside of your mouth. Sure, a dental expert may be able to spot a lot of causes for concern and issues just by examining the insides of your mouth, but not even they can see inside. An X-ray can, however, and it’s usually used when your dental profession suspects a deeper, more complex issue with your teeth, gums or bones.

Dental X-rays can be done using traditional radiography practices, or digitally, which is the preferred method nowadays. Digital X-rays come with an impressive number of benefits, chiefly among which, the amount of radiation they expose you to. Through the use of modern machinery, our experts are now able to get multiple accurate images of the inside of your mouth fast, all the while exposing you to 85% less radiation than traditional radiography.

Digital X-rays also offer a better image quality, which allows your dental expert to pinpoint the right treatment more accurately. Through innovative software, we’re now able to enhance the image, and get to the root (pun intended!) of your dental problem. Digital X-rays also allow dentists to track your progress, since they are easier to store digitally on our servers, whereas traditional X-rays required physical storage, and offered less accuracy.

Lastly, digital X-rays trump traditional ones from an environmental standpoint, in the sense that they leave less of a footprint on the environment, as well as on our own body. Traditional X-ray practices expose you to a myriad of dangerous toxic chemicals, which can, in time, lead to organ damage. Naturally, these chemicals then make their way into the environment, damaging both your body and our planet. Digital X-rays, however, don’t expose you to any such chemicals, and so are much safer all around.


Do you need dental X-rays?

Your dental professional is best equipped to determine whether or not you require dental X-rays.  Some common health concerns that warrant dental X-rays include:

  • Infection – if your dentist suspects there might be infection around the root of your teeth, they may ask you to get X-rays of the area, to determine the gravity of the infection, and the appropriate treatment;
  • Decay – another common dental concern is, naturally, the presence of tooth decay. Because of the passage of time, and poor oral hygiene practices, tooth decay is quite common, and a serious cause for concern that needs to be treated immediately;
  • Bone Loss – because of disease (or infection), it’s possible for the bones surrounding your denture to shrink, thus causing your teeth to become loose or to move.

Unsure whether or not you require X-rays? Schedule a consultation today!

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